Legends of Dawn Duels
Legends of Dawn Update 1.30 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 24 July 2012 08:57

Hi guys,

Well, it finally happened. The Legends of Dawn 1.30 patch is here!

As you can see, we stay with you and we keep improving Legends of Dawn. A lot of time has passed since we released the last LoD patch, but we are a really small team, and juggling with the new features you'll find in this patch is not a small task.

The big news for everyone that had memory performance issues with the game is that Legends of Dawn is now a 64-bit title (and 32-bit too). What does it mean for you? It means the game is not anymore "smothered" with the 2 GB of RAM limitation, which generated a lot of performance issues, even if the player had a "beast" of a PC. Thanks to the new 64-bit engine architecture, the game can now use all the RAM your system has.

What happens if you have a 32-bit Windows installed? You will still have an option to play last version in the 32-bit mode as you already do. Steam will automatically detect your system version.  From this 1.30 version all future updates will be made for 64-bit version only. Therefore in order to experience better Legends of Dawn now and in the future we HIGHLY recommend an upgrade to 64-bit Windows operating system if you have more than 2 GB of system RAM.

Another great news is that we upgraded in-game physics implementation, so NVIDIA PhysX is not dependent on external software anymore. NVIDIA PhysX caused many issues in the past, whether in the scenarios where the PhysX driver wasn't recognized, or in the situations where the user simply forgot to install the drivers. This is now solved.

We also added upgrades to world streaming, made smoother animations, and a bunch of other fixes and upgrades. Please find the full list of upgrades below.


Last Updated ( Tuesday, 24 February 2015 19:55 )
Wave of Darkness Christmas PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 24 July 2012 08:57

Wave of Darkness Card

Last Updated ( Thursday, 18 December 2014 11:20 )
Legends of Dawn Kickstarted Finished PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 24 July 2012 08:57

Legends of Dawn RewardsHi Everyone,

good news for those who backed Legends of Dawn, all of the physical rewards are now completed at our end. Collector's Box, DVD, CD, and t-shirts are now shipped!

A big Thank You to everyone that helped us reach our goal. We’ll also do our best to keep you informed as we continue the drive forward to the development and release of patches! 


Now the project is completed and we can take a look back at what was an amazing ride. A few years ago we went through phase that probably a lot of indie developer have to pass. Publishers kept rejecting us on the grounds that the game of such scope and complexity can’t be done by such a small team. Especially not if the team is developing its own RPG engine as well. We were not aware of any other truly independent team of similar size and resources who managed to do the something similar either. But giving up wasn't an option for us.

We kept pushing and with each small step the game grew until we showed it to you. The Legends of Dawn was then recognized by you, the Kickstarter community and with your support the production was completed, VOs done, licenses paid and most importantly with your help it was pushed through Steam’s Greenilight in record time and a few months later, with virtually zero marketing budget, released on strongest gaming platform. Then few of you become quite vocal and gave us deserved mega heat over being a few hours late with backer keys. We understand it. It still hurts though. Humble Bundle helped us with delivering rewards and great majority of you backers and players were happy with the game and remain supportive to this day.

After the release we received a lot of suggestions and feedback from players and we focused on releasing several patches with improvements and on delivering stretch goals. Many suggestion were collected for future patches or our next project as well.

As it is often the case with complex projects in a small company, every team member has to fit in many different roles. Lack of experience and not having enough people to handle all those challenges with physical production and outside companies resulted in many frustrating delays to get the products done according to our specification.

Thanks again for everything, we couldn't have done it without your help, support and participation!


Last Updated ( Monday, 22 September 2014 21:28 )
Kickstarter Update PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 08 January 2014 12:35

Dear Backers, Digital Rewards are Ready!

We are extremely happy to be able to tell you that the digital rewards are ready and available for you to download!

Yes, rest of digital rewards that you've all waited so patiently for are here, and can be downloaded at:

https://www.humblebundle.com/store/keyresender (enter the same email address that you backed with)

Important (physical rewards): Did your address change?

Thanks everyone for sending us your change of addresses for physical rewards but please update us again with your new shipping address, to ensure that your copy of game or Collector Box will be sent out to the right lace! We have not yet sent out any physical rewards. We’re set to move on to packaging and sending, as soon s we get the information about the change of address - so hurry up!

Last Updated ( Saturday, 30 August 2014 14:59 )
Legends of Dawn Patch 1.10 now live on Steam! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 08 January 2014 12:35

Legends of Dawn - Patch 1.10 is out!

After months of hard work we are happy to present to you the new patch 1.10 with our Dreamatrix Tools. Despite some rumors we remain committed to our backers. Modding tools beta was an important stretch goal and a lot of  unexpected work had to be done to make it happen. We hope that enthusiasts among you will experiment with tools and that knowledge base will start to grow within the community so that others less experienced users will be able to join the fun.

Soon you will receive an email with instructions for downloading rest of your pledges.

Patch 1.10 changes:
- modding tools added (world editor, materials/models editor, entity editor, flare editor, GUI editor and creature designer)
- added Editor Quick Guide
- added panel for custom mods (visible from character generation screen)
- added Unpacker (used to unpack the contents of the game on your HDD - it must be run before the first launch of editor)
- NTG quest conversation fixed
- spider tutorial quest fixed
- added Alienware Light FX for Alienware laptops and keyboards
- fixed model popup when traversing back and forth between two adjacent world sectors
- fixed water transparency bug
- reduced memory consumption (slightly lower)
- grass rendering is additionally optimized
- slight tweaks and changes to monster AI
- added new 30+ nodes for skill checks (usable from script editor)
- fixed bug with character zooming buttons reappearing when returning to main menu
- various small optimizations and fixes

We will continue to work on game improvements. Thank you for sending valuable feedback and log files via emails, thanks for sharing suggestions on forums and for making Legends of Dawn community a growing and resourceful place.

Steam Trading Cards, badges and icons will be also available soon.

Happy New Year to everyone!

Dreamatrix Team

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 08 January 2014 12:38 )
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Legends of Dawn is supported by the Ministry of entrepreneurship and crafts of the Republic of Croatia.
